Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Compensation Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Compensation - Research Paper Example This is about making the employees feel that they are precious to the company and the years that they have spent serving the company are valued. The main intention of laying out a compensation plan is to make the employees feel appreciated and esteemed, and my plan definitely achieves the aim. This is a form of indirect compensation. There are many intrinsic and extrinsic factors that motivate the employee to show improved performance and productivity. Intrinsic factors include considering each employee individually and sharing a good communicative platform with him. Such an employee is easily satisfied with job outcomes and this is enough for his motivation. Some employees need external motivation in the form of rewards and compensations. Flexible scheduling strategies are very effective in employee motivation and include job sharing, compressed work sheets, part-time hours, and flexible deadlines. When employees feel that the work schedule is flexible and they can choose their star ting and ending hours, they stay stress-free and this boosts their morale.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

U.S. Veterans are taken care of in the United States Research Paper

U.S. Veterans are taken care of in the United States - Research Paper Example with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of earlier wars are appreciated by our nation† (Korb 79). The treatment provided helps in encouraging people who volunteer to defend their country is that there is still a good life after combat and the government cares and appreciates them all. But the government has to still try proving this to the people through actions. Appreciation and care given should be all round, that is; it should include support physically, emotionally and mentally not forgetting socially. The wounds suffered during the war should be taken care of, the mental trauma and stress suffered due to the combat and loss of colleagues and helping them fit in back to their lives and society. The government of the united state does provide care for the veterans in different ways but not enough for them. To start with is the veteran medical care that was first made available to the disabled veterans and soldiers in the established soldiers’ home, the naval home and the National Homes for disabled volunteer soldiers’ institutions. In World War I, public health service hospitals under a contract with the bureau of war risk insurance took care of the injured veterans. By 1920 the government had fifty government hospitals for the war soldiers. In 1921 the veterans’ bureau took over from the public health service and in 1930 the veterans’ administration replaced the veteran bureau and introduced the national Home and Bureau of Pensions. Since then the Veteran administration has grown to operate 172 hospitals, 104 nursing homes and domiciliary and 220 outpatient clinics. The wars in Korea or Vietnam led to soldiers who served more than two tours involuntarily. A soldier who survived the first tour and went back for a second tour was given at least two years to spend at home before going for another combat. This provided time for recuperation from